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İclal Aydın Margariti studied foreign language teaching and also theatre.

After working for many years
in theatre and television as an actress, screenwriter and translator of foreign
plays, she created Language Advisory Studio to bring together teachers and
students under the same roof.
In twenty-two years she has
taught English and Turkish to hundreds of students and language enthusiasts.
She also works as a
translator and simultaneous interpreter, providing services to high  government offices in Italy and in Turkey.

She is currently engaged in writing
an educational book of the Turkish language.


She is the author of the theatre play “Soffio di Vento ( A wind blow) ”, written in Italian, currently being filmed by the film director Stefano Veneruso with the title 'Neither in heaven nor on earth'.

She is the translator of the classic play “I, Anatolia” by Gungor Dilmen ; as well as  of the plays by  contemporary British authors Hanif Kureishi (Sleep with Me) and Mike Kenny (Bag Dancing, Stepping Stones). The operas have been staged by major theater companies.

She lives and works in Rome, pursuing her three main jobs: Teaching, translating and writing.

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